Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Blog 3/10/09

I'm in my fashion class right now, writing from my Blackberry and I'm just so exhausted but I don't even know why. I have so many deadlines and so little time to complete them. But I guess that's just the reality of the fashion industry. I'm just grateful that I'm experiencing this now so when college comes I'll be prepared. Right now I'm finishing up a hem on this skirt that I'm making for the FCCLA Fashion Design Competition. So I'll be posting pics of that soon. I'm also doing a presentation for BCC (Burlington County College) and students were required to come up with a theme and create an accessory or garment to go with the theme and the theme I chose was Time Machine. But I have no clue what I want to make for that. I never made a garment by scratch before and I don't have enough time to try different things. And lastly, a 2nd year student from F.I.T. comes to our class to create a clothing line. There's 5 teams of designers, merchandisers, developers, and there's more but I forgot. I'm part of the design team (obviously) and we each make one item, I got stuck with the jacket since I'm one of the best sewers in the class. I really wanted to make a dress though. I also post pics of that soon as well. But I'm almost at my home school so I gotta go for now.

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